DART ZONE - Adventure Force Tactical Strike Cricket Pro Half-Length Quick-Flip Pro Dart Blaster


SKU: PRI-1088

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13/3/25 - Due end of month. Please sign up to be notified.


Safety Warning

Please note these are high powered blasters, please play  responsibly, never point a blaster at your/another persons face. Always use a mask if battling others. People under 18, please have adult permission/supervision. The onus falls on the buyer when purchasing this item. When buying any Nerf / Dartzone / Adventure force item from OzToyStore, you are agreeing to use them in a safe and responsible manner, and you agree that OzToyStore will not be liable for any injury caused by misuse or accidental  usage, to you or others.

About this item

  • Single-Shot Precision - The Adventure Force Tactical Strike Cricket Pro is all about simplicity and precision. Load your dart, pull down the handle to prime, and you're ready for action.
  • Unleash the Power - Pull the trigger button to release a dart with incredible speed. With a shooting range of up to 110 feet per second, you'll dominate your opponents with precision and accuracy.
  • Half-Length Pro Darts - The  Cricket Pro comes complete with 4 Adventure Force Tactical Strike Pro Darts. These high-quality darts are engineered for accuracy and distance, ensuring that your every shot hits the mark.

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